Parent Resource Dashboard
Forms/ Policies
Important Links
- Cougar Chronicles
- Attendance
- Drop Off/ Pick Up
- Child Care Before/After School
- Health/ Safety
- Meals
- School Closure Info
- Transportation
Cougar Chronicles
Attendance areas for each elementary, middle school and high school of the district are drawn up by the administration and approved by the Board based on geography and student population projections. In establishing school boundaries, consideration shall be given to the densities of student populations in an area in relation to the relative capacities of the schools, the equalization of enrollments in classrooms and efficient use of transportation facilities. A student's designated attendance area shall be based on the legal residence of his parents/guardian.
Regular attendance is vital, however, so is protecting the health and safety of Mountainside students, families, staff, and community members. It is imperative that students who have an active fever are not sent to school, even if that fever is controlled by medication. Please contact the school if your child is going to be absent, and whenever possible, please schedule doctor, dental and therapy appointments after school hours.
If you are calling the night before to report an absence or illness, please leave a message. Attendance will be taken within the first 5 to 10 minutes of the school day. To enter a class late, a child must obtain a pass from the office.
To report your child absent or tardy, please call the school’s main office at (719) 382-1430. If you call prior to 0700 you may leave a voicemail identifying yourself, your child, and the reason for your child’s absence.
The following are excused absences. However, ALL absences are unexcused until we receive parent communication regarding the reason for the absence.
● Suspected and/or confirmed COVID-19 infection, direct exposure to someone with suspected/confirmed COVID-19 infection
● Personal illness. If the illness exceeds three consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required.
● Death of a relative (provide documentation)
● Observance of religious holiday
● Military block leave- up to 5 school days with a copy of military orders
● Doctor, dental and therapy appointments with proper documentation (If possible, please schedule such appointments after school hours.)
● Emergency situations- such cases may be approved by administration on an individualized basis
The following are unexcused absences:
● Personal illness that exceeds three consecutive days without a doctor’s note – While we understand illness happens; a parent phone call or note will not constitute an excused absence if it extends past the three-day timeframe.
● Military block leave without orders
● Family events- vacations, birthdays, family visits, other family members’ appointments, etc.
Attendance is recorded for the morning (AM) session and the afternoon (PM) session. Each session is considered a one-half day of attendance/absence. Two one-half days of absence equal one full day of absence.
Attendance Codes:
● Tardy – Student arrives between 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. (0730-0900)
● Part Day A.M. absence – Student arrives between 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. (0900-1100) OR student leaves before 11:00 a.m. (1100) and returns to school.
● Part Day P.M. absence – Student leaves after 11:00 am (1100) and returns to school.
● Half Day A.M. absence – Student arrives between 11:01 – 1:00 p.m. (1101-1300)
● Half Day P.M. absence – Student leaves between 11:00 – 1:00 pm (1100-1300) with no return.
● Reverse Tardy – Student leaves between 1:00 – 2:25 p.m. (1300-1425)
● Policy around excused vs. unexcused
o Documentation is required for students absent after 3 consecutive days for illness, or if the student is on an attendance plan
o All absences are unexcused until we receive parent communication regarding the reason for the absence.
Parents will be called from our automated dialer to notify you of your child's absence if the office doesn't receive a phone call to report a child's absence. Please do not hang up on the call. This policy is for your child’s safety and in compliance with school law. If the school is not notified of a child's absence, then the absence is coded as unexcused. Make up work will be provided for excused absences. Please call the office to request school work at least one (1) day prior to picking up the work.
*All parents must review and sign that they have received the attendance policy at registration. (See attendance policy FFC8 School Board Attendance Policy)
Drop Off/ Pick Up
Walking: Plan a safe route for your child. Students are not permitted to ride bikes, skates, or wear shoes with wheels, etc. on school property. Children should be encouraged to respect other people’s property by not taking shortcuts, staying off lawns, and out of flower beds. They should be warned about accepting rides, talking to strangers, and playing in the streets. Student conduct off of school grounds must be monitored by parents.
Drop-offs: Students may be actively dropped off along the sidewalk of our front parking lot, and buses will drop students at our traffic circle. Please follow these guidelines for a successful and stress-free drop-off experience:
1. Child is ready to get out of the car (fully clothed, backpack ready, breakfast eaten if breakfast is provided at home, etc...).
2. "Good-byes" and "Have a nice day" messages are said before pulling into the drop-off zone.
3. Follow guidance of Mountainside personnel and pull forward as far as possible in the drop-off zone before unloading children.
4. Driver must remain in the vehicle.
5. If your child is going to take time to unload due to larger projects, is not ready to exit the vehicle, or needs to finish eating then please park in the overflow parking lot.
6. Child exits the vehicle on the passenger-side of the car. (exit and entrance should be from the curbside of the vehicle)
7. Once your child is unloaded please follow the car in front of you to exit the drop-off zone (please be patient and safe).
Pick ups: Students may leave Mountainside at the end of the school day in one of four ways: walk home (or to a care-giver), car pick-up, meet a parent on the playground and walk to the parking lot, or take the bus to daycare.**
The bell will ring at 1425 releasing students from school. Students will remain in their classrooms with their teachers to be dismissed in the following manner:
- Bus riders will be called to dismiss to load the buses when the buses arrive.
- Once all bus riders have been dismissed, grade levels will exit the building and line up in their assigned locations at the front of the building. If they are not riding a bus, kindergarten students will remain with their teachers until picked up by a sibling or dismissed directly to a parent/guardian. Parents who drive to pick up kindergarten students must first park in the overflow parking area and walk to the kindergarten dismissal area for student pick-up. Kindergarten students will not be released to cars in the turn-around lane.
- Parents please communicate to your child's teacher the way he/she will be leaving school at the end of the day. If this should change throughout the school year, then please communicate the change to your child's teacher in writing. Please make sure your child knows where to go at the end of the school day.
- If your child’s plan changes during the day, please contact the school by phone at (719) 382-1430 before 1345 so we are able to get your instructions for that day to your student and the student’s teacher.
Students who walk home: Students may walk off campus via the sidewalk down Fort Street toward Harr Ave. Due to Fort Carson construction projects, the sidewalks toward Aachen Drive are not available at this time. Mountainside Elementary School adheres to the student supervision guidelines provided by Fort Carson’s Garrison Command in the 2013 memorandum.
Students who meet their parents: Parents will need to park in the overflow parking lot and meet your child at the front of the building. Students will be waiting with their classroom teacher.
Students who are picked up by car: Students will wait with their teachers until the parent's car arrives in the pick-up zone. Students should enter the car from the curb side. In order to keep the traffic flow moving, stay in your car and don’t park. Follow directions and guidance from school staff in the pick-up lane to keep traffic flowing and students safe.
Students who ride the bus: Teachers will safely load students on the bus at the end of the day.
**Kindergarten students must be picked up by their parent and/or an older sibling from the Kindergarten playground/courtyard. Parents, please use the lower parking lot to park and then follow the sidewalk from the parking lot to the kindergarten classroom area. Children in Kindergarten are not allowed to walk home without being accompanied by a parent, caregiver, or older sibling (per 2013 Memorandum from Ft. Carson’s Garrison Command).
Entering and Exiting the building: Students eating breakfast may arrive at 0700 to enter the cafeteria via the music hallway doors. Students not eating breakfast at school should arrive no earlier than 0710. There is no outside adult supervision prior to 0710. Students are expected to enter and exit the building through their designated grade entrances. Kindergarten and students eating breakfast will enter through the music hallway doors. First and second graders will enter through the east main entrance. Third, fourth, and fifth graders will enter through the courtyard entrance. See the attached map for specific door assignments.
When leaving school at dismissal time, students are escorted to the pick-up zone by their classroom teacher. Older siblings will meet their younger siblings at the younger child’s classroom teacher waiting area. Bus riders will dismiss through the music hallway doors. Kindergarten students will be dismissed from their classrooms into the kindergarten playground/courtyard area. All other students will dismiss with their classroom teacher through the east main entrance doors.
All adults entering the building during school hours must enter through the main entrance to the building, provide a state or government issued ID, and will receive a visitor badge that must be worn at all times while in the building.
Pets: DO NOT bring pets on school grounds. Only trained service animals are allowed on school grounds. Students may be afraid of and/or allergic to them. If you have questions please see the district's animal policy.
Child Care Before/After School
Fort Carson
Fort Carson Child, Youth & School (CYS) Services
Child, Youth and School Services provides programs and services for children of eligible military and civilian families.
Contact Information & Location Details:
Address: 1590 Prussman Blvd., Bldg. 1518
Phone: (719) 526-1101
Military DSN Tel: (312) 691-1101
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Other Community Options
There are numerous options throughout the community that is supported by our schools. The best way to get information on each program would be to contact them directly. You can find specific information for each program here.
- CDHS Child Care Assistance Program
- Fountain YMCA Before/ After School Care
- Imagination in Education
- Pikes Peak United Way
- Valley Christian Academy After School Care
CDHS Child Care Assistance Program
The Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Child Care, is the State's lead agency in planning and implementing public child care policy. The Division of Child Care is responsible for the licensing and monitoring of child care facilities; managing the child care assistance program (CCCAP) for eligible families; administering child care grants and quality initiatives, and serving as the lead in implementing federal child care programs. The overall goal of the Division of Child Care is to promote quality, accessible and affordable child care services for Colorado families.
Contact Information:
Colorado Department of Human Services
Colorado Child Care Assistance Program
1675 W. Garden of the Gods Rd.
(719) 444-8178
Fountain YMCA Before/ After School Care
Available to Jordahl, Eagleside, Aragon and Mesa.
For more information call: 719-329-7289
Middle School Initiative: provides a free YMCA membership to middle schoolers at FMS. The goal of this program is to inspire youth to discover their passions, develop a healthy lifestyle, and gain the assets needed to avoid risky behaviors in order to succeed in school and life.
Imagination in Education
Providing daycare, preschool and childcare in the greater Colorado Springs area since 1951!
The Imagination in Education sites, located within local elementary schools in Districts 3, 8, 11 and 20, provide the same caring, personalized, quality care as our main sites. Our many hands-on projects keep the children involved and interested in learning, along with a fun and exciting recreational component. We emphasize the concepts of being safe and being respectful.
Location Details:
301 E. Iowa Ave., Fountain, CO 80817
(719) 321-7309
Monday-Friday, 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Services Offered:
Before and After School Care
Pikes Peak United Way
If you are a parent or guardian in need of child care or assistance call (719) 955-0742 and choose option #1 for a child care referral.
At Pikes Peak United Way we strive to connect families with child care options that work for them by providing FREE, personalized referrals to licensed child care providers. We also aim to improve the quality of care that is provided in our region through training and collaboration with other community agencies. As a nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, we serve the Colorado counties of Elbert, El Paso, and Teller.
Pikes Peak United Way
A Child Care Resource & Referral Agency
518 N. Nevada Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Office Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Valley Christian Academy After School Care
Our after school programs provide additional care for families that need childcare until 5:30. We offer this program for both our own students and students in the surrounding public school districts! We’ll even pick them up!
For more information call: 719-465-3932
Health/ Safety
School Nurse Contact-
Mountainside Elementary:
Rachel Glickel
Student Health Information
(Free & Reduced Meal Application)
School Closure Info
The primary method to notify all district employees, parents, and students of school closing is through our mass notification system in Blackboard, which will come via text, email, and phone. We will also post a pop-up message on the homepage of our website for visitors accessing information here, as well as push a notice through FFC8 Twitter and Facebook.
Click on the button for more information on the district's emergency and school closure procedures.